An Inside Look at a New Construction

An Inside Look at a New Construction

Building a home from the ground up takes experience and expert knowledge of construction. From creating a budget, securing funds, and retrieving permits to hiring surveyors and subcontractors, passing inspections, and keeping up with the latest design trends and...

A Tale of 5 Nashville Flips

We’re proud to say that five flips are currently underway through our Urban Properties Nashville company. Thought we’d take a few minutes to update you on the progress of each. Only one is spoken for so far, so please let us know if you or anyone you know...

Introducing Urban Properties of Nashville

We are pretty darn proud to announce the formation of Urban Properties. This is the whole-house flipping division of Stratton Exteriors, so to speak. As Stratton Exteriors, we’ll continue to perform quality work around Nashville–putting roofs and siding on...